Learn The Most Overlooked Marketing Strategy That Can Actually Make the Biggest Impact On Your Business

The Secret To Hyper-Growth Companies Is Focus... 

You need to stop trying thousands of different tactics that each create underwhelming results. Find something that has a strong, lasting, exponential impact and dive deep. 

Strategic partnerships are how Fortune 500 companies have been growing for centuries. The world's largest companies can't afford to grow slow so they focus on the fastest and most effective way to acquire a customer - getting other companies to send them to you!

Applying this concept for small and medium sized businesses was popularized in Chet Holmes' book, 'The Ultimate Sales Machine.' Chet talks about how he created his Dream100 list of people who already had the attention of his ideal customers. He got them to know, like and trust him and in return they sent him customers around the clock. He invested in relationships and reaped effortless, life-changing business growth.   

We've been applying this strategy to our agency for the last 8 years and it's been the secret to our growth. 
We actually won a 2 Comma Club award WITHOUT running any paid ads for ourselves! 

Growing relationships and acquiring strategic partnerships is hard because people are complicated but we've distilled our process into an easy to follow framework and we actually GUARANTEE this works!

There are four phases to successful partnerships and we've boiled it down to a color-by-number blueprint. 

Truly, these four phases are the same for any relationship. I actually modeled this after my relationship with my wife! 

We've included a bonus 5th phase which will make your life so much easier! (this one doesn't apply to my wife 😂)

Together, this framework will create lasting relationships where other businesses happily send you ideal customers. 

Here's what we're gonna cover

Phase 1 - Assemble

Learn how to find great potential partners and and organize them into an actionable framework. We'll walk through the best strategies and mindset to have when looking for potential partners while focusing on the short list that will generate the greatest results. 

Phase 2 - Ask

Making a great first impression is hard but we've turned it into a formula to increase your probability of response and momentum. We teach through our recipe for killer cold introductions and a scalable process so that you don't get bogged down complicating how to reach out to people. 

Phase 3 - Accept

Learn how to make irresistible partnership offers that partners can't help but accept! Great partnerships are built on generous and valuable offers. We walk you through our best partnerships and the people-first approach we leverage to build trust with potential partners. 

Phase 4 - Execute

What do you do after you get the yes? For us, that's when the fun begins but the more prepared you are, the better results you'll experience. Learn how to wow your partners, create lasting relationships and systems to bring amazing customers into your ecosystem for year and years. 

Phase 5 - Automate

We understand relationships are work and it's hard to prioritize something that has delayed gratification. The truth is we don't do this manually ourselves anymore. We have a system, leveraging virtual assistants that allows us to only focus on being present for the wins. After you have a foundational understanding of our framework, we'll help you setup a completely automated fulfillment machine so your strategic partnerships continue to grow regardless of how you're feeling on a given week.
Let’s break it all down one more time...
Here's what you're really getting...
  • 5 Module Partnership Training Sessions ($4000 Value)
  • ​Partnership Pitch Templates  ($800 Value )
  • ​Partnership Automation Trello Board ($2900 Value )
  • ​Personalized Partner Research & Pitch Writing Guide ($600 Value)
  • ​Exclusive Access to Partnership Bootcamp Community  ($97 Value)
  • ​More customers, more referrals, more free time! (You can’t put a value on a better quality of life!)
That's well over $8300... plus a Guaranteed Partnership... All for only $1997!
Next Bootcamp Starts Monday
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